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Cathy Oxley

Free Technology for Teachers: Beyond Google - Improve Your Search Results - 20 views

    " Beyond Google - AddThis Posted by Mr. Byrne at 2:12 PM Labels: Google, Internet search, teaching technology, Teaching With Technology, Technology Integration, web search, web search strategies 5 comments: SIS Media Specialist said... Geesh Richard, another great resource; like your posts are not enough. Many, many thanks. I have followed your blog for about a year and have learned SO MUCH. I understand you are from CT. Any chance we can get you to the joint annual CASL/CECA (Connecticut Association of School Librarians and Connecticut Educators Computer Association) conference next year? October 24, 2009 10:35 PM Mr. Byrne said... Yes, I am originally from Connecticut. In fact, I went to CCSU for freshman year. I'd like to come to CASL/CECA. Can you send me an email? richardbyrne (at) freetech4teachers Thanks. October 25, 2009 6:47 AM Linux and Friends said... Thanks for the amazing document. I am aware of a few of the resources listed in the document. However, many of the others are new to me. I will definitely check them out. November 2, 2009 9:45 PM dunnes said... I visited and bookmarked four sites from this post! Thank you for the great resource. Students want to use Google rather than stick to the school library catalog, but they need more instruction on how to do this. I have seen too many children search with ineffective terms, and then waste time clicking on their random results. November 8, 2009 12:38 PM Lois said... Beyond Google is a great resource. I wish I had your skills for taking what you learn and putting it together as you do. I love reading your daily blog. November 15, 2009 10:04 AM Post a Comment Links to this post Beyond Google: Improve Your Search Results While working with some of my colleagues in a workshop earlier this week, I was reminded that a lot of people aren't familiar with tools
Martha Hickson

Activate Instruction - 15 views

    At its most basic level, Activate Instruction is a free open database of standards-aligned learning resources-but it was designed to be much more. Teachers can browse, search, rate, add, share, and organize resources. Parents and students can follow teachers to see what they posted or search for the resources they like best. When integrated with student assessment data systems, Activate makes it easy for teachers to use student assessment data to connect students with the resources that match their specific needs.
Katy Vance

Flip This Library: School Libraries Need a Revolution - 4 views

  • If we want to connect with the latest generation of learners and teachers, we have to totally redesign the library from the vantage point of our users—our thinking has to do a 180-degree flip.
  • This learning commons is both a physical and a virtual space that’s staffed not just by teacher-librarians but also by other school specialists who, like us, are having trouble getting into the classroom and getting kids’ attention.
  • specialists such as literacy coaches, teacher technologists, teacher-librarians, art teachers, music teachers, and P.E. teachers
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • In the physical space, we enter a room that’s totally flexible, where furnishings can be moved about to accommodate different functions and groupings.
  • experimental learning center,
  • the learning commons is both a giant, ongoing conversation and a warehouse of digital materials
  • —from ebooks to databases to student-generated content—all available 24/7 yea
  • Imagine a learning environment in which the multimedia world of information fed individual students’ needs, and where on-demand digital textbooks/multimedia/databases are available 24/7 and under the control of the user.
  • examples of one-way communication.
  • But in the new learning commons, homework assignments and library Web sites offer two-way communication.
  • Directive adults have been transformed into coaches; direct teaching has been transformed into collaborative inquiry.
  • On another day, parents may be invited to the learning commons to observe a jointly designed medieval art fair created by a classroom teacher, the art teacher, and the teacher-librarian.
  • The experimental learning center aims to improve teaching and learning by offering professional development sessions and resources that are tailor-made to each school’s greatest needs.
  • The teacher posts assignments on a blog that’s linked through an RSS feed to individual students in the class, each of whom can access the blog through an iGoogle page or another personal home page.
Mary Morrison

Digital Storytelling Teacher Guide - 0 views

    Download an e-book, watch videos, and use tempates from teachers to learn how to use Windows Live Movie Maker and other tools to make learning more personal with pictures and movies in your classroom." />Stylesheet
Donna Baumbach

ChildrensLiteratureWebGuide - - 1 views

    The Children's Literature Web Guide Wiki is a cooperative effort between the Doucette Library of Teaching Resources, David Brown's Children's Literature Web Guide and you. Please feel free to add any quality Children's Literature resources, Children's Literature Best Books of the Year Children's Literature Teacher Resources Children's Literature Award Sites Children's Literature Parent Resources Children's Literature Recommended Book Lists Children's Literature Storytellers Resources Children's Literature K-12 Favorites List Children's Literature Writers and Illustrators Resources Children's Literature Publishers
Leah Evans

Contractions - 15 views

  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put together and an apostrophe is added to replace the omitted letters.
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put together
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put together
  • ...50 more annotations...
  • together
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put  
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put  
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put  
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put  
  • put  
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put
  • Contractions are formed when two words are contracted or put  
  • Contractions
  • are formed
  • Contractions
  • Word Lists Analogies - New!CapitonymsCompound Words - New!  Contractions Dolch - Sight WordsGeography ListsHomophones, Homonyms, etc.Literature Based Word ListsMath Vocabulary - Most Popular!Monthly Holiday ListsMultiple Meaning Words - New!Phonics & Sight Word CurriculumPossessive NounsSample Lists By GradeScience Vocabulary - New!Sequential Spelling ProgramSound Alike WordsSyllables - New!Word Abbreviations Help and InformationFAQs - Frequently Asked QuestionsPrintablesOur Educational AwardsTestmonials- New!Custom Sentences and Definitions Handwriting WorksheetsStudent Writing PracticeTeacher Training VideosGetting Started Welcome LettersFunding Sources - New! ArticlesResearch on Spelling AutomaticityThe Importance of SpellingRecommended Learning ResourcesImprove your writing skillsAdopt-A-ClassroomSpellingCity and NCom  put ingReading ComprehensionIncorporating Spelling Into ReadingWriting Prompts that Motivate   Contractions Contractions
  • when two words
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted
  • are contracted or put
  • are contracted or put
  • Contractions  
  • Contractions
  • Contractions
  • are contracted or put  
  • Contractions
  • Contractions  
  • Contractions
  • Word Lists Analogies - New! Capitonyms Compound Words - New!    Contractions Dolch - Sight Words Geography Lists Homophones, Homonyms, etc. Literature Based Word Lists Math Vocabulary - Most Popular! Monthly Holiday Lists Multiple Meaning Words - New! Phonics & Sight Word Curriculum Possessive Nouns Sample Lists By Grade Science Vocabulary - New! Sequential Spelling Program Sound Alike Words Syllables - New! Word Abbreviations Help and Information FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions Printables Our Educational Awards Testmonials - New! Custom Sentences and Definitions Handwriting Worksheets Student Writing Practice Teacher Training Videos Getting Started Welcome Letters Funding Sources - New! Articles Research on Spelling Automaticity The Importance of Spelling Recommended Learning Resources Improve your writing skills Adopt-A-Classroom SpellingCity and NCom   put ing Reading Comprehension Incorporating Spelling Into Reading Writing Prompts that Motivate   Contractions Contractions
  • tractions
  • Contraction
  • Contractions
  • Contractions  are
  • are contracted or put  
  • Contractions   are formed  when two words are contracted or put  together
  • are contracted or put   together
  • are
  • are contracted or put
  • Contractions   are formed   when two words are contracted or put   together
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted
  • are contracted
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted or
  • are
  • are
  • contracted or
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted
  • are contracted
  • are contracted or
  • are contracted
  • when two words are contracted or put
    Free games to reinforce the usage and spelling of contractions.
Cathy Oxley

Teachers Connecting with Teacher Librarians - Information Literacy - 44 views

    Resources to encourage collaboration between teachers and teacher librarians.
David Hilton

History Teachers Group - 22 views

Thanks for pointing that out Dianne. It seems the last parenthesis has been included in the URL address. The correct link is here:

history teachers resources sources open source databases


Transition Resources for Parents, Teachers, and Administrators | Edutopia - 11 views

    The end of the school year can be a nervous time for students, especially those that will be making the jump into elementary school, middle school, high school or college next fall. These transitioning students are left with a variety of questions -- from curiosities about academic rigor to managing a social life and coursework, to worries about using a combination lock. (It took me more than a couple tries.) Fortunately, there are plenty of resources on the Web that offer useful information for all stakeholders -- parents, students, educators and administrators -- that will help ensure successful transition. Here are a few for each major stepping stone in the K-12 pipeline.
GoEd Online

101 Websites That Every Elementary Teacher Should Know About - 0 views

    As class sizes keep growing, it becomes harder and harder to find the time to look for new teaching materials, while still giving your kids the personalized attention they need (and deserve!). After all, you can only be pulled in so many directions at once, right? With that in mind, I put together this list of websites for elementary teachers, hoping that you'll finally be able add something fresh and fun to your lesson plan. Now, you don't have to skim the results of hundreds of Google searches to find a handful of useable internet resources-I've already got 101 of 'em!
Cathy Oxley

GeogSpace - 12 views

    'GeogSpace offers quality primary and secondary geography resource materials for all teachers of geography, including those that are very experienced and those just commencing their involvement. The materials will support teachers to develop their knowledge, skills and pedagogical capacity to teach geography of the highest quality. '
Jody Stone

50 Common Core Resources For Teachers - 0 views

    links to Common Core resources all in one place!
Martha Hickson

Resources for Teaching and Learning - 18 views

    IMSA Full Circle Resource Kits are used by thousands of teachers, librarians and technology coordinators to train today's students in critical 21st Century research skills. Each Kit is packed with articles, curriculum, learning games and assessment tools for strengthening information fluency. Applications include staff development, library orientation, diagnosing students' needs and curriculum integration for elementary grades through college. Kit resources are free.
Cathy Oxley

Cyber Safe Kids - 27 views

    The Growing Up Digital initiative will provide ongoing, accessible resources to Australian schools, cross-curricula lesson plans for grades (K-12), interactive modules for students, parent advice and resources and training for teachers.
Gwen Lehman

Bloom's Taxonomy Teacher Planning Kit - 0 views

    Great resource for teachers - provides definition, key words, actions, outcomes and questions for the thinking skill levels in Bloom's Taxonomy.
Susan Waterworth

International Center for Academic Integrity - 0 views

    The International Center for Academic Integrity seeks to identify, affirm, and promote the values of academic integrity among students, faculty, teachers, and administrators. This website contains information about the Center and its activities, with a members area hosting resources and information about ICAI projects and a ListServ for exchanging ideas and information. Become a member today and learn how your academic institution can gain access to all of the online resources provided by ICAI!

Creative Commons Resources for Classroom Teachers | CTQ - 19 views

    Comprehensive guide to resources for teaching about CC for various audiences.
Cathy Oxley

gr8-libraries-of-learning - Why it's time for change - 12 views

    Our resource centres should be drivers of teacher and student learning. We cannot afford for our resource centres to be underutilised or bound in a twentieth century learning paradigm
    Congratulations to the TLs in Cairns (namely Kim and Nicola) for bringing gr8-libraries-of-learning altogether yay!
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